Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Woman behold thy son"

Dear friends,
I pray that you are prospering in the Lord. It is not often that I write something thematic, but as I thought of Sunday being Mother's Day, I thought of Jesus and His mother, Mary. I thought,also, about the character and nature of our Lord and was convicted by it. I hope this will encourage you today.

When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, "Woman, behold your son!" Then He said to the disciple, "Behold your mother!" And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home. John 19:26,27

If you think about these verses situationally, it reveals much about the character of Jesus. He had been betrayed, taken captive, beaten, mocked, and unjustly put upon a cross, yet He spoke no words of defense.
He was not angry, but prayed for forgiveness for the perpetrators. Now as He is close to dying His final thoughts are not of Himself, but of His mother. His last heartbeats still beat with compassion toward those He loved and He gave John instruction regarding His mother. He entrusted her care to the beloved disciple. In His final moments He made sure His mother was taken care of. Among the laws that only Jesus fully satisfied was the law "Honor your father and mother." Jesus did that. There are so many things I think of as I look at this passage that I have to rein myself back in to make a few relevant points.

1. This is a picture of covenant. His very blood which was being shed was the sealing of the eternal covenant. (Hebrews 13:20). Unfortunately in western culture we have little understanding of covenant. Marriage is a covenant and in America we haven't done too well with that. I heard a minister introduce a ministry friend originally from Israel. The minister said we are in covenant together. Then the minister being introduced said that we do not take the word covenant lightly. He said, "If something happens to him I'll raise his kids or vice versa. John taking Mary as his own mother is a picture of covenant that should exist in the body of Christ.

2. The temptation of Christ was not over until He yielded up His spirit. How easy would it be for us to turn in on ourselves and want vengeance in times of great betrayal and pain! Yet Jesus remained faithful to His purpose until His last breath. He came to seek and to save those who are lost. He extended forgiveness to those who were torturing Him. He extended mercy to the thief dying beside Him.

3. Mary stood by the cross. She was unashamed to be identified with her son. How painful this must have been! As parents it hurts to see our children suffer. I remember the prophecy of Simeon, "Yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed." Luke 2:35. I remember times when my children were small and they became sick, that I actually prayed to take their place. Jesus did take my place and He took Mary's place. I am sure that in the pain of the moment, Mary like the others did not understand what was happening. That sword was piercing her soul.

What would become of Mary? I know often Mary is almost ignored because of the reaction of some to Mary being deified in some circles. She is not God, nor is she a deity, but she was a woman blessed and favored of the Lord. She was a woman worthy of emulation. She was a woman of faith. I have often thought about this woman whom God chose to be the mother of Jesus. She accepted what was a difficult, even life-threatening position to be placed in, yet she glorified God and believed the Word of the Lord. The study of her life is a great encouragement to my faith. Think about this for a moment. Jesus appeared to over 500 people after the resurrection, but there were only 120 in the Upper Room. Look at Acts 1:15 These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with His brothers.

Yes, Mary was in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost when the Spirit of God was poured out. Mary was one of those 120 who was filled with the Spirit. If the resurrection were fictitious would she have been there? I think not. You can't fool Mama!

I am thankful to God for the sacrifices of my own mother, as I am sure are many of you. I pray today that God would bless our mothers and that we all would aspire to the character of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In His love,
Herb Dean

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