Monday, August 12, 2013

Full Circle: Back to the Altar

    As a young man I ran from the call of ministry. I couldn't see myself preaching nor did I want to do so. Finally, at the age of 30 as a broken man, I said, "Here I am Lord; whatever you want to do with me, do it." At that place of surrender, He filled me with a peace that I had never experienced. The circumstances that had brought me to my knees did not immediately change, but I now had purpose and direction for my life. In those early years opportunities were few and far between. I ended up preaching in jails and nursing homes and taught Sunday School. The thing that I had feared had now become a burning desire and my joy. I seized every opportunity I had. I begin to put out resume's to churches, but because I did not have a seminary degree they would not consider me. The desire to preach had become the greatest focus of my life.

    It wasn't long before God dealt with my heart about idolatry. My desire to preach had become greater than my desire for Him. Isn't it amazing that God can take something I didn't want to do, change a heart, and the thing that was feared becomes a passion so great that I slip into idolatry. I had to lay my Isaac on the altar and kill it. I laid it down. Someone once told me that the greatest act of faith was to put to death the promise at the request of the promiser. I continued to preach and teach as given opportunity, but my focus was no longer on my desire to preach, but my desire for Him. It was ten long years before God would send me out to plant a church. Still, there was ego that had to die. I thought He was sending to a place to set it on fire for God when, in fact, He was sending me there to kill "Me".

    Over the last two years I stepped away from pastoral duties only to find myself in that place of few opportunities to exercise the gift God has given me. I attempted to begin a prayer ministry only to become frustrated because there is still such exclusivity and insecurities that many churches won't come together for kingdom building. Then there were a number of serious issues which developed, some of which I have shared and others I don't have liberty to mention. Very sporadically I would get to speak somewhere and God was always faithful to show up, but invitations were far and few between. I could see my finances draining away and I so missed preaching, teaching, and praying for folks. I began to send out resumes'. I have probably sent out over a hundred. I sent a cover letter to help weed out churches where I knew I would not fit. I found the same rejection I had found early on with an added reason now. Not only did I not have a seminary degree, I was 62 years old. I put my name on a couple of search engines and was contacted by a few churches. Some were not a fit and some thought I was too old. You can probably understand my being a bit frustrated and discouraged. I have realized in the last few days (and I probably knew it all along but it has just now hit my heart) that I had come full circle. I am headed back to the altar with Isaac. When the exercise of one's gift becomes a greater focus than the Giver we are in trouble. When our service for God becomes the thing rather than our service to God, we have missed it. He is to be the object of our passion. So just as God told Moses to throw down his rod, today again I throw down the ministry. God gave the rod back to Moses, but it was never again the rod of Moses, it was the rod of God. I know God has made a deposit in me, but after all it is His deposit and His vessel and He can do with it as He pleases. That being said after thousands of hours of preparation, teaching, and preaching I am back at the altar. I am open to whatever He wants me to do, but my first and greatest priority is Him.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tim Tebow and the Plan of God

Dear friends,  

     I hope things are well with you. As a sports fan who pulls for Christian athletes I was not happy when Tim Tebow ended up in New York. I didn't feel like it was a good fit and they never really gave him a chance. Even when it was obvious they were going nowhere with Mark Sanchez, they didn't let him play. When I heard he was cut yesterday I was disappointed that they would do him they way they did. I wanted him to go somewhere and excel and to show all the critics. The Lord gently reminded me that this is not about football. Ultimately it is about Tim Tebow being conformed to the image of Christ. God reminded me that he was perfectly capable of handling Tim's situation and that I was to pray for him as a brother.


     There are times in all of our lives when we like Moses must throw the rod at God's feet and see it turn into a snake. Anything we are not willing to throw at God's feet has a snake in it that can ultimately destroy us. When God told him to pick the snake up by the tail and he did, it became a rod again. No longer was it the rod of Moses, it had become the rod of God and was used in the working of miracles. For you it may be your job, your church, ministry, etc. We must be willing to throw it down and whether we pick it up or not depends on God. If He tells us to pick it up it is no longer ours, but God's. If He tells you to pick it up, He will bless it. Abraham grew in faith to the place where he was willing to sacrifice the promise in obedience to the promiser knowing full well that God was faithful. There are times we must be willing to place our Isaac on the altar. This could well be a chairos moment in the life of Tim Tebow. Pray for him that he will remain steadfast and that He will know that God will bring good out of this, and for discernment to make the right choices.


    As always my desire is to encourage you. If you have prayer needs, I will be honored to pray for you. I also am available to minister at your church or ministry group. Thank you for your encouragement.  May God bless you richly.


                                                     In His love,

                                                     Herb Dean

Monday, April 22, 2013

Deliverance from the Cave

Attend to my cry, for I am brought very low; deliver me from my persecutors, for they are stronger than I. Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise Your name; the righteous shall surround me, for You shall deal bountifully with me. Psalms 142:6,7 For all you cave dwellers out there, of which I am one, this was David's prayer in the caves. The cave was a place of hiding, but it was also a place of preparation. It was in the cave that people began to gather unto David. These people were in distress, in debt, and they were discontented but it was out of these malcontents that the mighty men of David arose. One day as I prepared to teach on David and those who gathered to him and the Lord impressed me with this thought. "If you want to come out of the cave as a mighty man you must deal with the issues in the cave." The issues that brought you to the cave will keep you there if not dealt with. God is able to take the malcontents of this world and make them mighty men of God.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bells and Pomegranates

The robe of the high priest had bells and pomegranates sown around its hem. There was a bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate alternating around the hem. The high priest had to go into the holy of holies once a year to sprinkle the blood of a lamb upon the mercy seat for the sins of the people. Tradition said that a rope would be tied around his ankle in case he was smitten dead in the presence of the Lord. No one else could enter. They knew the high priest was still alive because they could hear the bells ringing. I believe that the bells represent the gifts of the Spirit and the pomegranates represent the fruit of the Spirit. There is an individual application and a corporate application. If the bells stopped ringing they knew the priest was dead and they had to pull him out by the rope. If the gifts are not active in the church the church is dead, but the gifts must always be balanced by the fruit. Both are necessary for the church to come to maturity. We are out of balance if we emphasize gifts and not the fruit and we are out of balance if we emphasize fruit and make no room for the gifts. The robe of the priest is a wonderful example of God's order. Paul says in the letter to an out of balance Corinthian church chapter 13 verse 1," Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but have not love, I have become a sounding brass and a clanging cymbal." Let everything be done in love.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Pray for Our Nation

Dear prayer warriors,

     We find ourselves as a nation at a critical juncture. On the one hand a man who is intent on destroying Israel and the U.S. is developing nuclear weapons and is unstable enough to use them and on the other the leader of North Korea has basically declared war on South Korea and the United States. A weak economy has millions out of work. 600,000 gave up looking for work just this past month.  The national debt is like a burgeoning monster threatening to consume all productivity and  the quality of life we have come to enjoy. The news mediums spend little time on the threats to our nation and instead promote gun control and same sex marriage. What shall we do? The psalmists asks a similar question saying, "When the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?" The next verse says, " The Lord is in His holy temple...."  God has not abdicated His throne. He is not in heaven ringing His hands. Nothing has taken Him by surprise.


     In the Old Testament one of the duties of the priest was to burn incense. The altar of incense was in front of the veil. The incense was to be lit every morning and every evening and was to burn perpetually before the Lord. So day and night the sweet aroma of incense was wafting over the veil. This is a picture of our prayers rising to God. The golden bowls in Revelation are the prayers of the saints. As Paul said that we should pray without ceasing. Jesus made this statement after telling the parable of the unjust judge, " And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily.  Luke 18:7,8a  God  has called us to prayer.


    Please be in prayer for our nation and our national leaders. The agendas of men won't fix the problems. In most cases they just exacerbate them. We need the intervention of God. North Korean pastors of the underground church have requested prayer and have said the nation is in a state of preparation for war. I am sure there is much prayer in South Korea and we must stand with our brothers. Pray for our courts to make the right decisions on same sex marriage and abortion. Pray for each other. I covet your prayers. As I was trying to link intercessors I kind of met an impasse, but sometimes we have to go through the death of a vision so that God can resurrect it in His time. I will be posting requests and sharing a word from time to time but I am looking to pastor again whether here or in a new location. I miss preaching and teaching very much and God has put that in me. Thank you for your prayers. Let us set our hearts in agreement for a great revival and restoration in our land. May God richly bless you.

                                       In His love,

                                       Herb Dean 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Earthly Kingdom or Kingdom Within

This past Sunday was Palm Sunday. I believe it is a day of great spiritual significance. If we look at the text in Luke 19:28-44 we see what is often called the triumphal entry. It came on the heels of the parable of the minas given to the servants and being called to give an account. He told this parable because His disciples were expecting the kingdom to appear immediately. As often happened with the disciples and myself, it flew right over their heads. As they headed to Jerusalem, the disciples were excited. There had already been a power struggle as they had argued among themselves who would sit at His right and left hand when He came into His kingdom. When Jesus gave them instruction concerning the donkey colt on which He was to ride, it confirmed their expectations. It was prophesied in Zechariah 9:9 that the King would come riding in on a donkey colt. David had Solomon ride his personal mule to Gihon to show the people that Solomon was his successor, not Adonijah. The disciples probably had their chests puffed out, walking with a swagger thinking, "This is it, He's going in to take over and we are going to reign with Him." Little did they realize He was not going in to takeover, He was going in to die.

The crowds gathered, many spread their clothes on the road. The multitude began to rejoice and praise the Lord. They shouted ,"Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." The Pharisees told Jesus to rebuke them. Jesus replied, "I tell you that if these keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out." I know we've heard songs about not letting a rock out praise us or heard people say," No rock is going to out praise me." but my daughter got a revelation and searched it out. Jesus was saying if these people are silenced, the rocks will cry out in protest. Then as Jesus saw Jerusalem, He began to weep. I'm sure the disciples must have thought He was overcome with joy, but His words were daunting. He declared that the city had missed its time of visitation and prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem which would take place in 70 a.d.

His disciples had been expecting the immediate establishment of His earthly kingdom. As Jesus was interviewed by Pontius Pilate, he told Pilate that His kingdom was not of this world or His servants would fight. Many wars have been fought to preserve, protect, establish, or expand kingdoms, but His kingdom, the kingdom of God would not be established by violence. The kingdom of God would be established on earth by love. It is a spiritual kingdom in the Spirit. For the kingdom of God is not eating or drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17 In 1 Cor. 4:20 it says ,"For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power. The kingdom of God is not established by the decrees of men; it is established by the power of the Spirit or in the words of the Lord to Zerubbabel, "Not by might nor power, but by My Spirit."

The expectations of this crowd were based on what their eyes could see. The crowd had on at least one occasion sought to make Him king by force. They thought he would deliver them and provide for them. They had only a fleshly perspective not realizing that what He was about to do would bring deliverance to the captives and provide for their spiritual need. Their carnal expectation was not met and it is quite likely that some of these same people would be in a crowd a fews days later shouting something other than His praises. In just a few days, the crowd would be shouting, "Crucify Him."

There was a sense in which there was a war that took place that day on the cross. This was greatest act of spiritual warfare that ever took place when the completely sinless Son of God demonstrated God's love by dying for His enemies.(See Romans 5:1-10) Satan was defeated, principlaities and powers were spoiled, and captivity was led captive. Our certificate of debt was nailed to the tree that we might be freed from captivity. We were reconciled to God through the death of His son and have been made to be ministers of reconciliation. There is so much that was accomplished on that cross that I have not the time to write it nor would you have time to read it. This Sunday we will celebrate His resurrection, but every day we are living in the resurrection power. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Romans 8:11 Sunday is a special day of remembrance and praise, but we celebrate His resurrection every day.

I know a couples of months ago, I said that I would posting these teachings directly on my blogsite and posting a link on facebook. I had a couple of responses which indicated they preferred the e-mails. Also facebook has changed its format again and you may or may not know I have posted anything so I am resuming the e-mails. I know some of you may not have signed up for these teachings and may not want to receive them; if that is the case just respond to this e-mail expressing your desire to unsubscribe. I thank the Lord for each one of you and appreciate so much your prayers and encouragement. As always if you have a prayer need I would be honored to pray for you. May God bless you exceedingly.

In His love,

Herb Dean

Monday, February 11, 2013

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

   I want to look briefly at this phrase from the Lord's prayer. It is interesting that the verb here is aorist tense imperative mood which is to say , "Give us today's bread, now." Now I think there are far too many people trying to tell God what to do. I don't much believe in giving God commands unless He commands me to and in this case Jesus said to pray this way. Daily bread speaks of provision for the day we are in, not tomorrow's bread, but today's bread today. You, remember in the wilderness they were to gather bread for that day only, except the day before the sabbath when they gathered two day's worth. God wants us to trust Him on a daily basis. I believe the phrase concerns our daily provision, but I believe it is much more than that.

    Bread is often likened to the word of God. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4  Gathering the bread daily is a picture of getting fresh revelation and instruction from God. Jesus only said what He heard the Father saying and only did what He saw the Father doing. We need to hear from God on a daily basis. We cannot live off yesterday's manna.

     When the Syro-Phoenician woman tried to get Jesus to heal and deliver her daughter, he made an interesting statement."It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to little dogs." Dogs was a reference to Gentiles. Jesus was sent first to lost house of Israel, but He had healed others. Jesus showcased this woman's persistence and faith for our example, but let's look at His statement. Simply put He was saying healing and deliverence were the children's bread. I believe we can believe for healing even as we ask for our daily bread. We have become God's children by faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. Jesus said healing and deliverence are our bread.

     Then finally, Jesus is the bread of life.  Jesus said, " I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world." John 6:51   When we pray for our daily bread we are acknowledging our need for His life to be manifested in us on a daily basis. He is our daily bread.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Truth You Know

    I used to be involved in a group that had some marvelous teachers. Their teaching was so revelatory that it encouraged me to seek for great revelations from the word of God. God gave me some great revelation and I am sure I probably over spiritualized some things to make a point. One day as I was reading Acts 17 and I saw in verse 21 where Athenians and foreigners spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear some new thing. I realized that my hunger for some new revelation had gotten out of balance. I am not saying that we are not to search the word. I believe God will reveal  truth to us by the Holy Spirit. What God reveals is not for information, but for application. Knowledge puffs up. Revelation without application and impartation is simply information and will not provide motivation.

       Many times we hear people say ,"The truth will set you free." That passage is taken out of context and is not always true as it is quoted. Let's look at the context.  Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, " If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Romans 8:31,32   It is the truth that we know that sets us free.   The word know there is a stronger word than intellectual knowledge. It is the word "ginosko" #1097 in the Strong's. My Spirit-Filled Life Bible defines it this way: To perceive, understand, recognize, gain knowledge, realize, come to know. "Ginosko" is the knowledge that has an inception, a progress, and an attainment. It is the reconition of truth by personal experience.      In other words ginosko is experiential knowledge. It is the truth we experience that sets us.  Statistically over 85 per cent of Americans believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. It is pretty obvious that 85 percent of Americans are not saved.  It is that experiential knowledge, that knowing relationship with Jesus Christ that saves us.

        It is wonderful to know the word of God, to understand the types and shadows, and to be able to communicate truths. What a joy it is to plumb the depths of His infinite wisdom! But our great store of knowledge is of no value unless we introduce people to the Truth. Paul expressed his fear that the Corinthians' minds would be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.  Jesus said, I am the way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by Me. John 14:11  Jesus is the Truth and if you know the Truth, He will set you free.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Few Thoughts on Snow

     I was watching the coverage of the snowstorm in the northeast on a local TV station when they showed some old footage from the snowstorm in middle Georgia in February of 1973. It brought back a flood of memories. My wife and I have experienced two major snowstorms in the South during our lives. The storm in 1973 was a little over sixteen inches in an area that rarely sees snow. While living in Rome, GA,  in 1993, we had a blizzard that dumped nineteen inches of snow.  You can imagine what kind of problems these storms caused in the South. I am not a fan of the difficulties that snow causes, but I am like a little kid when I see a few snowflakes fall. It truly is beautiful. It is amazing how the white covering transforms the deadness of winter into a winter wonderland.

     Snow is one of many things that show the immeasurable creativity of our God. Think of how many snowflakes have fallen in the Northeast this weekend and then consider that no two snowflakes are alike. Each is beautiful in its own right, designed and fashioned by our Father. Snow is mentioned a number of times in the scripture, mostly as a means of giving a description of how white something is. Snow is sort of the standard for whiteness. If we say something is as white as snow, we are saying it is as white as it gets.  When David was repenting for his grievous sins in Psalms 51:7 he says, "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow." If you remember, hyssop was used to apply the blood of the lamb in Exodus. Is that not what the blood of Jesus has done for us.  That was what the songwriter was expressing when he penned the words, "Whiter than snow, yes whiter than snow; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow."  Because we know of nothing whiter than snow it gives just a hint of how complete the finished work of the cross was. Isaiah said, "Though your sins be as scarlet; they shall be as white as snow." He has taken the darkness of our sin, washed us and made us as white as snow.

      In the New Testament Mark describes the transfigured Christ this way, "His clothes became shining, exceedingly white, like snow, such as no launderer on earth can whiten them." When people go snow skiing it is imperative that they where goggles because they can be blinded by the sun reflecting off the snow. Eyes can be seriously damaged because of the brilliance. Thinking about that makes me think of the seraphim in Isaiah's vision. They used two of their wings to cover their eyes. Imagine, here were creatures created to dwell in the presence of God and yet they could not look upon Him because of the brilliance of His glory. John in Revelation said that the hair of Christ was like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire.  Later in the passage he says His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength.  The brilliance of the sun reflecting off the snow is only a feeble comparison to the glory of the Son.  Thank you, Lord, that you have made us whiter than snow.  


Friday, February 8, 2013

Jesus in the House

      Just saw a book title,  Jesus Killed My Church.  That provoked a few thoughts I would like to share. I don't know what was in the book, but I suspect he'll share some of what I'll share here. The first thing I see wrong there is that he had taken ownership of the church. The church belongs to Jesus and Jesus said He would build it. Too many churches have been man built.
      I guess the main thing I thought about was the presence of God. I remember a minister whose church had experienced genuine revival said, "One day Jesus showed up and I don't think the ushers meant to seat Him." That church and its pastor were radically impacted by the Lord's presence. When I say the Lord's presence, do not confuse that with the Lord's omnipresence. I know God is everywhere. He is also in us by His Spirit. Yes, God is always there, but it is different when God chooses to reveal His glory. It is the revelation of His glory that reveals that we fall short. The revelation of His glory reveals and exposes. Flesh cannot handle His glory. When His glory was revealed in the dedicating of Solomon's temple the priests could not stand to minister. Moses had to be hidden in the cleft of the rock (a type of Christ). When Isaiah had his God encounter the temple was filled with smoke which represents God's glory. The words of this established prophet were "Woe is me for I am undone for I am a man of unclean lips dwelling among a people of unclean lips".
Job, who was described as a perfect and upright man who hated evil, had a God encounter and He could only say, " I have heard of You with the hearing of the ear, but now I see You and I abhor myself and I repent in sackcloth and ashes." Peter recognizing that Jesus was more than an ordinary man, said "Depart from me for I am a sinful man, Oh Lord." 
       Yes, the arrival of Jesus would be destructive to many churches. I have been in meetings when the Spirit of God was brooding over a congregation. The Spirit would begin to move, but instead of flowing with what God was beginning to do the leadership quickly took things back to the program. It is as if they were saying "Lord, You can move as long as You don't disrupt the program and we have to be through in time for the second service." Is it any wonder churches are not experiencing revival? They have great music, great preachers, and many wonderful people but everything is orchestrated. It is a controlled environment. Many pastors are afraid of losing control. Part of it is ignorance, but a major part is fear. Everything must be done decently and in order so we stick to the program. We like things safe and don't want things messy.  "Where there is no ox the stall is clean, but there is much increase by reason of the ox."  "Lord, we want you to build your church; come and take Your rightful place. Do what seems right to You." If we allow Him to be who He is in our midst then He will do what He does.
        If Jesus kills your church it's a good thing. He is then free to build His and His will storm the gates of Hell. The secret to church growth is Jesus in the house.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hello from Herb Dean

Dear friends, fellow ministers, and prayer warriors,

I pray that things are well with you. I am writing today simply to touch base with you and let you know what I am doing. Some of you don't really know me and some of you know me well. It is a wonderful thing to be in the service of the Lord, but it is not without times of adversity, challenge, and transition. As some of you know I relinquished my pastoral responsibilities last year. I did not do this because I wanted to get out of the ministry, because I was mad at anyone, or because I was asked to do so. I did so because I felt the Lord wanted me to change course and develop ministry in other areas. It was somewhat terrifying to look at starting over at age 62 and I would be lying if I said I walked in great faith all of last year. Physically, it was a difficult year. My mother nearly died from cancer and was in the hospital for weeks. Financially because of the lack of income it was a difficult year. So ,yes, there were times of great discouragement and wavering as to whether I had heard God and made the right choice. One of the things I know God is doing in me is bringing me back to that place of simple trust. You see, I had gotten somewhat comfortable. I was not walking in the same levels of faith I once did. There were times when I did not have to nickels to rub together

and I was seeing the power of God released in my life. I am not saying we need to take a vow of poverty. What I am saying is, we are in a season where the foundations are being shaken and God wants us to return to that place where our faith is completely and totally in Him. Those things that we have held on to or leaned upon may well be taken away from us. The kingdom of God is received with the trust of a child.

I, no longer aspire to building some mega church or fill stadiums with people coming to hear the "man of God". I used to desire those things because there was that need in me to be affirmed, to feel like I was somebody. I am learning to rest in the affirmation of the Father, that I am His beloved son in whom He is well-pleased. I have not arrived and I would be lying if I said I was completely free from the desire of the praise of men, but God is doing that maturing work. My heart is to produce disciples who will go beyond where I have gone. I love preaching and teaching the word and seeing the light come on in someone's eyes. I love to pray for people and through words of knowledge or prophetic words see a burden lifted or a broken heart mended. I want to say this in a way that does not sound boastful, for if I boast let my boast be in the Lord. I am nothing apart from Him and have only what I have received from Him. He has made a deposit in me and it so blesses me when someone draws from that deposit. I believe God has given me gifts to impart. I tried building churches for a while, very unsuccessfully I might add; I want to spend my remaining days building people.

I am presently seeking direction from the Lord. I am open to pastoring again if God plants me there. I

would love to take a group of hungry men and disciple them. I am open to be a teaching elder in a church or ministry. I love intinerant ministry but you can't be an itinerant minister if you are not itinerating, and I've been out of circulation for a long time. I do think I would be a blessing to your church, not because of who I am, but because of who He is in me. Every attempt I have ever made to promote myself has failed, so I look to God to speak to your heart if it fits His purposes concerning me and concerning your people. I do not believe Ephesians 4:13 can be fulfilled without the cross-pollination of ministries. We are each necessary parts of the whole. I covet your prayers and your prayerful consideration. I simply put my name out there. One of my mentors once said that you can't expect people to be spiritual enough to find you. If you would like to have me come, just send me an e-mail. If you know of or have an opening you think I might fit, please let me know. Lastly, I know some of you will pray for me for which I am greatly appreciative. If I may pray for you, please let me know. May the Lord bless you greatly.

In His love,

Herb Dean

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Promotion Through Adversity

Dear friends,
I hope things are well with you. 2012 was a very difficult year in many respects. Having begun a new year I am looking forward with great anticipation to what God will do this year. I haven't written in quite some time, though I have posted frequently on facebook. I hope to begin writing again regularly, desiring to be an encouragement to the body in some way. I'd like to share today a few thoughts concerning the season we are in or approaching.
Back in November while praying for this nation the Lord brought some things to mind that have stayed with me and I believe therein lies a word for this season. Let me back up about four years. At the peak of the recession, the Lord gave me word about sowing in the time of famine. When we are in difficult times financially, people tend to cut back on their giving and many ministries suffer. The Lord was saying not to sow according to the cicumstances, but according to His supply. The scripture God gave me was from Genesis 32 about Isaac sowing in the land during a time of severe famine and reaping one hundred fold. God can bless us in difficult times because His resources are unaffected by the world's economy. There is no recession in the kingdom of God. I believe this word is still good for this season.
Last year God spoke to me from the life of David. David had returned with his men to Ziklag only to find their goods had been stolen, their wives and children kidnapped, and the city burned to the ground. They wept until they could weep no more and in their grief and anger they spoke of stoning David. But David encouraged or strengthened himself in the Lord. How did he do that? I believe he might have done this by praising the Lord. Praise is often equated with strength. Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou has ordained praise (strength). He may have confessed the Lord's promises to him or maybe he remembered former victories and deliverances, the lion, the bear, Goliath and the Philistines, Saul, etc. He may have done one or all, but he got his thinking right. He then inquired of the Lord. Some times we have to quiet the voices of anger, fear, and grief before we can hear God. He inquired and the Lord told him to pursue and he would recover all. That was God's word to me. "Pursue and you wll recover all." It could be that is a word for some of you. What has the enemy stolen from you. I believe that some have had their dreams stolen and some have lost hope. God wants to restore hope to those who have lost it.

Now back to November, as I prayed for our nation, I had this thought that Joseph and Daniel were promoted to positions of leadership in pagan lands. I know many are concerned that America has turned its back on God and is set on a course of destruction. The impression I felt from the Lord was that even if America were a pagan land He could promote His people to positions of authority. You see the life of Joseph as a teenager with dreams from God. His journey took him from the pit to Potiphar's house to the prison to the palace. He became the number two man in Egypt and in his own words said that God had made him a father to pharaoh. Joseph's dreams were fulfilled over 20 years after they were given. Joseph was promoted through adversity.
Daniel was also a man promoted to the highest levels of authority in the governments of the Babylonians, the Medes, and the Persians. It was the other leaders who were jealous of Daniel who appealed to Darius' ego to make a decree which led to Daniel being thrown in the lion's den. Darius had been considering putting Daniel over the whole empire. Daniel prospered under pagan leaders. In Daniel 3 we see the story of Sharach, Meshach, and Abednego. They refused to bow to the golden image and were thrown in the fiery furnace where the Son of God was revealed as the fourth man in the fire. After Nebuchadnezzar made his declaration concerning their God. Daniel 3:30 Then the king promoted Sharach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego in the province of Babylon. Sometimes our promotion comes through the fire. Theirs did literally.
While praying on New Years' Eve the Lord reminded me of these things, but He also brought a passage in the 23rd Psalm to mind. "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;" Psalms 23:5 I get this picture of safely sitting at a banqueting table while surrounded by enemies. This is a picture of peace and provision in the midst of our enemies. We are living in a time where many anti-christs are at work. There may be seasons of persecution. America as we know it could drasticaly change, but whatever comes God will fufill His purposes in His people. I am not a prophet of gloom and doom; I desire to encourage you that no situation is hopeless. You may be in the pit, you may be in the lion's den, or you may be in the fire, but it could be that you are being positioned for promotion.
Blessed is the man who endures trial; for whe he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. James 1:12

As always if I can be a blessing to your church or ministry group send me an e-mail. I would be honored to pray for you if you have prayer needs. I covet your prayers as I seek God's direction in ministry. May God bless you and expand His kingdom in you and through you.
In His service,
Herb Dean